Yahoo's homepage new looks
Yahoo's release a preview to its new homepage on its australian site today. The new look is simply named Yahoo!7.
The new layout offers little more than some minor personalization tweaks such as a Your Stuff box on the lower right hand column with shortcuts to various services like flickr and Answers.
Further down, the 'In Your Area' column automatically detects your location and lists restaurant and entertainment options to you. Curiously, it didn't work for us, and the column displayed its native Australian listings. Hopefully, it's just a beta hitch.
With recent developments in the company, this slight update may be a case of too little too late, and far from anything remotely revolutionary.Yahoo will have to do more if they want to stop stock prices from tumbling further, or to be worth anything at all in the future.
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Grand theft auto 4-a boring gameplay
Rockstar's GTA IV is being hailed as one of the best games of our times with it's uber realism, ridiculously open ended gameplay, rich characterization, immersive roleplaying experience.
Just only on day one, there were 1 million GTA IV users who went online with the game on XBOX Live. It dethroned Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4.
Ofcourse, some of the elements of the game (not the only elements) includes doing drugs, drunk driving, visiting strip clubs and a whole list of felonies. If you want, you can just explore the game's virtual world, earn a living driving cabs, go on a clean date, visit places and stuff, watch tv and just have alot of 'clean' experiences.
Ofcourse, that's not what the game is about. It's roleplaying a character with a rich history, lot's of demons in the closet and doing stuff you never get to do in real life.
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