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Use your website/blog to promote Affiliate program


I have been browsing around several good merchant sites and am surprise that many dont show a link or have a page dedicated to their affiliate program. Further research would later reveal that these merchant sites do in fact have their own affiliate program running on a third party affiliate tracking companies. In these occasions, I am wondering if this omission is doing them any good.
I am pretty sure that many affiliates do the same thing when visiting a good prospective onilne merchant. If these affiliates would not see any affiliate program link on your site most probably they will go to the next merchant on your category which is your competitor. This is certainly a business oppotunity loss for the merchant.
As a merchant, your web site is the best vehicle to recruit for as well as steer your affiliate program. If you are running your campaign in a network, your program marketing information is pretty standard as with thousands of other program there. Admittedly, its really hard to get the attention of the affiliates. On the other hand, your website is your own turf and you have the freedom to provide all the details and highlight the points that you think can drive your publishers to promote your products. You can place the creative you want and make it more attractive as can be. You can also compare your program with your competitors stressing your strong points. Furthermore, not having this information also shows the lack of support you are giving to this campaign.
The most compelling reason I could think for merchants to implement this is that this marketing channel is FREE.

-implement today


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