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E-commerce and involvement


eCommerce, quite simply put, is the process of selling your products and/or services online. Who can use it? The short answer is: anyone. If you have an Nepalese business, which sells products and/or services, you can easily promote, or even run your company entirely on the Internet. All you need is a website and some easy-to-use Internet software.
First we must know about the involvement in e-commerce project.

E-commerce impacts upon almost every function within a business. Externally, a variety of suppliers will also need to be involved within an e-commerce project.
The range of specialist skills required will be dependent upon the scale and complexity of the proposed e-commerce system. However, these skills are likely to include experience of:
*servers - Microsoft, Sun, Linux etc
*firewalls and security
*graphic design and production
*HTML and XML coding
*programming languages
*database technologies

The interested parties within a business include:
*board-level management
*inventory management
*service provision
*direct sales
*sales channel management
*post-sales support
*marketing and PR

External parties with a potential involvement in an e-commerce project include:
*existing hardware and software suppliers
*specialist Internet hardware and software suppliers
*programmers, web designers and consultants used on an “as required” basis
*Internet service providers
*domain name registrar
*telecommunication providers
*major suppliers
*major customers
*advertising/marketing design agencies
*specialist business media
*training companies

There are some certain aspects of eCommerce that merchants must be aware of before they begin. This guide is aimed at those business owners who would like to enter the world of online marketing, but aren’t quite sure how to start - this is the beginning of your journey into the marvelous world of eCommerce.

1.Domain Names

2.web hosting

3.your websites

4.shopping carts


more details about this topics in next articles.........


Anonymous said...
November 4, 2011 at 3:46 AM  

Nice one.
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