
Enter your email address:

Browser fun:making twisted page in browser


I found it amusing about JavaScript code, the image on any page to go into the ring dance. What did I do by e-mail with interest, so I do not know to whom credit. All you need do is:
1. Go on image-rich site (example: search for Indian premiere league on google image search which is going strong now a days)
2. Paste the following Javascript code in the address bar and press ENTER (GO).

javascript:R= 0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3= 1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document. images; dil=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i<dil ; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position= 'absolute' ; DIS.left=Math. sin(R*x1+ i*x2+x3)* x4+x5; DIS.top=Math. cos(R*y1+ i*y2+y3)* y4+y5}R++ }setInterval( 'A()',5); void(0)

3. then see what happen.Isn't it fun..wow.refer this stuffs to your friend now


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World’s smallest & lightest notebook : Portability at its best !


This laptop is light as a feather and you can carry it in your pocket !
Portability at its best, Forget carrying a huge laptop everywhere and enter the realm of weightlessness !

mbook, The World’s smallest and lightest notebook was unveiled in South Korea……
This mini stylish mbook measures sleekingly just 158 x 94.1 x 18.6mm (or just as your mini paper copy) and weighs only 315g (Feather !), yet its 4.8” display has a 1024 x 600 resolution looks stunningly awesome and gorgeous. It has audio speakers on one side of the screen and a 1.3Mp web cam on the other.
This note book is available in 2 versions,
one with a 1.1GHz Intel Atom processor and another with a 1.3GHz option. They have 1GB RAM, but the Flash-based storage provided ranges between 8GB and 32GB
(SSD reduces power consumption and improves battery life).
This machine is compatible with a wide range of communication technologies, including HSDPA, Bluetooth 2.0 and WiBro.A pull-out aerial also allows the mbook to receive telly signals, but its DMB compatible – rather than DVB-H
This tiny note book has four-in-one memory card slot, a mini USB 2.0 port and a Qwerty keyboard. Battery time is about six hours.
The 1.3GHz mbook costs $534(£368/€417). It will soon be launched in USA and UK.


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Microsoft announcement to release office14 @2010


Though rumors were floating that Microsoft would have the next version of its Office software suite ready to go by later this year, it looks like Redmond will in fact ship it in the first half of 2010. Office 2010, as it is now known, will include slimmed-down versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote that let people create and edit documents in a Web browser.
next version of its Office desktop programs will reach consumers next year, though not likely in conjunction with the Windows 7 operating system.

Microsoft is set to announce Wednesday that Office 2010 will be finished and ready to send to manufacturers in the first half of next year.
From there, it can take six weeks to four months or more for the programs to reach PC users, said Chris Capossela, a senior vice president in the Microsoft group that makes Office. The timing will differ for big businesses and individual consumers, and for people who buy packaged software versus those who download it.

Ad-Supported Version
Some industry watchers had expected a new version of Office this year, but Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer extinguished that rumor at a meeting with analysts in February.
Capossela declined to be more specific about a launch date. Windows 7, the successor to Windows Vista , is scheduled to reach consumers by the end of January 2010.

Office 2010 -- previously known by the code name "Office 14" -- will include slimmed-down versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote that let people create and edit documents in a Web browser. Consumers will have access to a free, ad-supported version, and Capossela said the company is still hammering out what to charge businesses that want a version without ads.
Big Beta Planned

Microsoft plans to let hundreds of thousands of people test a technical preview of the new Office portfolio starting in the third quarter of 2009, Capossela said. The company did not say whether average PC users will have a chance to test a more polished beta version .

Microsoft also said a new version of its Exchange e-mail server will be available for purchase in the second half of 2009. When paired with the next version of Microsoft's Outlook e-mail program, Exchange 2010 aims to prevent e-mail faux pas and would warn people against trying to "reply all" to a huge distribution list. Microsoft said it can also be tweaked to stop people from sending e-mail outside the organization, helping businesses cut down on unnecessary e-mail and prevent leaks.

A beta version of Exchange 2010 was made available on Wednesday

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E-commerce and involvement


eCommerce, quite simply put, is the process of selling your products and/or services online. Who can use it? The short answer is: anyone. If you have an Nepalese business, which sells products and/or services, you can easily promote, or even run your company entirely on the Internet. All you need is a website and some easy-to-use Internet software.
First we must know about the involvement in e-commerce project.

E-commerce impacts upon almost every function within a business. Externally, a variety of suppliers will also need to be involved within an e-commerce project.
The range of specialist skills required will be dependent upon the scale and complexity of the proposed e-commerce system. However, these skills are likely to include experience of:
*servers - Microsoft, Sun, Linux etc
*firewalls and security
*graphic design and production
*HTML and XML coding
*programming languages
*database technologies

The interested parties within a business include:
*board-level management
*inventory management
*service provision
*direct sales
*sales channel management
*post-sales support
*marketing and PR

External parties with a potential involvement in an e-commerce project include:
*existing hardware and software suppliers
*specialist Internet hardware and software suppliers
*programmers, web designers and consultants used on an “as required” basis
*Internet service providers
*domain name registrar
*telecommunication providers
*major suppliers
*major customers
*advertising/marketing design agencies
*specialist business media
*training companies

There are some certain aspects of eCommerce that merchants must be aware of before they begin. This guide is aimed at those business owners who would like to enter the world of online marketing, but aren’t quite sure how to start - this is the beginning of your journey into the marvelous world of eCommerce.

1.Domain Names

2.web hosting

3.your websites

4.shopping carts


more details about this topics in next articles.........

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checking form validation using Javascript


I've created a post of how to validates the form using Javascript.The form is shown below:


First Name
Last Name
Email Address

<script language="javascript">

function validate()

alert("First Name cannot be left empty ")
else if(document.f1.txtlname.value=="")
alert("Last name cannot be left empty ")
else if(document.f1.txtage.value=="")
alert("Age field cannot be left empty ")
else if(email=="")
alert("Email field cannot be left empty ")

else if(isNaN(document.f1.txtage.value)==true)
alert("Age field should be Numeric ")
else if((document.f1.txtage.value)<=16)
alert("Age must be greater than 16 ")
else if((email.indexOf('@',1)==-1)(email.indexOf('.',1)==-1))
alert("You have entered Invalid email ")
alert("Form is Ready to Submit ")
win=open("","","toolbar=no,status=no,titlebar=no,width=450 height=250")
win.document.write("<h2 align=center>Thankyou for submitting the information</h2>")
win.document.write("Your First Name is: "+document.f1.txtfname.value+"<p>")
win.document.write("Your Last Name is: "+document.f1.txtlname.value+"<p>")
win.document.write("Your Age is: "+document.f1.txtage.value+"<p>")
win.document.write("Your email address is: "+document.f1.txtemail.value+"<p>")
win.document.write("Total elements in the form: "+document.forms[0].length)


<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=50>
<form name=f1>
<td colspan=2><h2 align=center>Form Validation</h2>
<td>First Name
<td><input type="text" name="txtfname">
<td>Last Name
<td><input type="text" name="txtlname">
<td><input type="text" name="txtage">
<td>Email Address
<td><input type="text" name="txtemail">
<td><input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="validate()"><input type="reset" value="Cancel">

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Designing 3 column fixed layout using CSS


This post explains how to design an HTML/CSS basic structure to design a simple three column fixed page layout.
I included some standard elements such as logo, top bar, navigation bar, text stage, center column for post categories and right column to insert Google AdSense 120X600 ads so you can reuse quickly this code on your webdesign projects.HTML structureThe following picture illustrates HTML/CSS elements I added on the page:

The structure is ready to use. You just have to redefine font, color background, font-style for each layer and HTML tag, and define other custom classes.

Step 1: HTML file structureCreate a new page and copy and past this code within tag:

<div id="container">
<div id="topbar">Top Bar/Logo Layer</div>
<div id="navbar">

<a href="index.html?home">Home</a>
<a href="index.html?about">About</a>
<a href="mailto:myemailaddres@email.com">Contact me</a>

<div id="main">
<div id="column_left">
<h1>Post Title</h1>
<h2>12 january 2008</h2>
<p>Add your text here</p>
<div id="column_right">
Right Content to add Categories, web 2 widget (twitter, mybloglog recent readers...)
<div id="column_right_adsense">
Adsense 120 X 600
<!-- Don't remove spacer div. Solve an issue about container height -->
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div id="footer">© 2008 Information about your site</div>

Step 2: CSS fileNow, create a new css file and link it into index.html

/* ------------------------------HTML Redefine Tags------------------------------ */

body{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:20px; padding:0;}

input, form, textareah1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{margin:0; padding:0;}


h2{font-size:14px; color:#999999;}

h3{font-size:13px; border-bottom:solid 1px #DEDEDE; padding:4px 0; margin-bottom:10px;}a:link, a:visited{color:#0033CC;}


/* ------------------------------PAGE STRUCTURE------------------------------ */

/* #container has an absolute width (780 pixel) */

#container{width:780px; margin:0 auto;}
#topbar{width:auto; display:block; height:60px;}
#navbar{width:auto; display:block;height:28px;}
#navbar a{heigth:28px; line-height:28px; padding:0 8px; display:inline;}
#main{width:auto; display:block; padding:10px 0;}
#column_left{width:460px; margin-right:20px; float:left;}
#column_right{width:160px; margin-right:20px; float:left;}
#column_right_adsense{width:120px; float:left;}
div.spacer{clear:both; height:10px; display:block;}
#footer{width:auto; display:block; padding:10px 0; font-size:11px; color:#666666;}
/* ------------------------------CUSTOM CLASSES------------------------------ */
/* Add here your custom classes ... */
Save all and try it!
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IT carrier and Certification opportunities


What are the IT trends that will dictate activity in this year? Forecasting or analysis of IT trends helps to identify career opportunities and challenges. Sensible and realistic application of forecasting using such IT trends helps to improve the quality of our career growth decisions, as we aim for better long-term career options.

One thing is certain - IT spending and growth is on the upside. IT trends indicate that the global demand for IT driven products and services is growing daily. Innovation is key to enabling greater IT efficiency and better response to business demands. And information technology is still providing career opportunities in virtually all sectors. The need for skilled IT professionals is solid and rising now and in the foreseeable future due to the continuing demand for innovation and entry of new emerging technologies.

But don't equate increased IT spending to increased demand in all areas of IT. Neither is IT an all comers affair. Some areas will be hot, some will not. And even in areas of high growth you will have to make the effort to get opportunity. The IT trends analysis will indicate areas of growth and strong opportunity. Looking ahead it should help you decide what knowledge and which certification (s) to consider as part of your career strategy. Examine certification, career prospects and other opportunities – what you want to learn, how you can grow, how you can contribute - in these high growth areas.

IT Trends: IT Security
Once again, IT security is going to be an area of high activity and growth. IT security is an obvious priority in an environment infested by spam, bugs, bots, browser holes, exploits, spyware, adware, denial of service (DoS) attacks, viruses and phishing. IT security breaches are serious business problems that can often result in significant financial loss and collateral damage.

Organizations need to be proactive in protecting their business and IT infrastructure. And companies are learning that investing in IT security skills and knowledge is one of the most effective ways of keeping enemies at bay. This translates to increase opportunity and growth for those who can improve IT security, implement security tools, resolve security problems and identify security breaches. In fact in realization of the soaring demand, 2005 has been tagged by some as the year of the security professional.

Reputable and solid IT security certifications are: CompTIA's Security+ (vendor-neutral, entry-level), MCSE: Security, MCSA: Security (Microsoft plus Security), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (vendor-neutral IT security management), Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) (vendor-neutral IT Security auditing) and Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) (Cisco plus security).

IT Trends: Linux
Linux is another area that is continuing to record impressive growth. According to various research reports and forecasts, Linux growth is going to be massive over the next few years.

The reason why major manufacturers including IBM, Novell and HP are all pushing the Linux market is because they realize Linux makes good business sense. It is now a major player in the operating system market due to its comparatively lower total cost of ownership, maintenance, functionality, increased support, stability, security and efficient hardware utilization.

Although Linux still has a long way to go in the desktop arena, its impact in the server field is generating massive demand for competent Linux professionals. Already this is reflected in the growing interest in Linux training and certification.

Linux certification titles to consider include: Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) (Advanced level) "The RHCE is the open source community's MCSE.", Novell Certified Linux Professional (Novell CLP), Certified Linux Engineer (CLE), Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certifications. (vendor-neutral) and CompTIA's Linux+ (vendor-neutral, entry-level).

IT Trends: Open Source
Linux is obviously the big kid on the block in the open source world, but other open source technologies are establishing themselves. This further fuels demand for qualified IT professionals with such skills. Already MySQL is making an impressive impact in the database world. Though Oracle's DBA and Microsoft's MCDBA are still leaders in the database certifications, MySQL Core Certification is establishing itself as a valued credential.

IT Trends: Software Development
Software development drives the IT industry through the introduction of new applications and low cost value-driven innovations. Of particular interest will be the skill areas of VB, C++ and Java. Developers with experience in embedded software development will also continue to be in demand. Because of Microsoft's dominance of the desktop, Microsoft programming expertise can't be ignored. However, Java's portability is intimidating. Java is already a key player in providing web services and web-based programs and it is also the leading programming language for wireless and mobile devices.

Opportunities exist not only in coding, design and testing but also in the management of software projects. Though the software development community tends to place less emphasis on certification compared to other areas like Networking and Security, certification can make a difference if applied sensibly. Solid and accepted certifications to consider are: Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) and Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) and the Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP).

IT Trends: Outsourcing
IT trends indicate that outsourcing will still be actively pursued as a business strategy. More organizations believe it will help lower cost and give competitive advantage. Opportunities from outsourcing will depend on location and nature of work being outsourced. Most of the outsourcing firms are based in USA, Australia and Europe while most of the outsourced workforce is in India, China and Russia. However, outsourcing opportunities may exist for African countries that can create the enabling environment.

Outsourcing is driven not just by cost but results. Expect high demand for project management skills. and business process consulting skills, as organizations need to mitigate outsourcing risks, while ensuring that outsourcing actually delivers by improving business performance. Project management training and certification such as CompTIA's Project+ and the Project Management Institute's (PMI's) Project Management Professional (PMP) should be considered.

IT Trends: Wireless Networking
Wireless Networking is a major growth area that is generating new and expanding IT products and services. Mobile and wireless computing is not just a fad but is about business sense and opportunity. By removing the limitations of wires or cables, computing and networking creates new infrastructure to meet social and business needs.

Demand is high for IT professionals with wireless networking skills. Career opportunities exist for professionals to get involved in designing, deploying and supporting wireless network infrastructure. Important training and certification programs are Planet3’s Wireless Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP) and Cisco Wireless LAN certifications.

IT Trends: Networking, IP Telephony
IT Trends and forecasting must recognize increased interest and investment in the convergence of the information technology and communications industries. Areas to watch for growth include: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networking, Cisco networking, Microsoft networking and other convergence technologies. Opportunities exist for those who design, install, configure, manage, and support these networks.

With the installed base and continuing global dominance of Cisco and Microsoft demand is bound to be steady for skilled and experienced network professionals in these areas. Interest in VOIP is massive and growing. Individuals with IP telephony skills are needed to demonstrate the cost and other benefits. Certifications to consider include Cisco CCNA/CCNP/CCIE, Microsoft MCSA/MCSE and Cisco's IP Telephony certifications.

IT Trends: Newcomers
Although getting work experience is still a major hurdle for newcomers, entry-level certifications such as CompTIA’s A+, Microsoft’s MCP and Cisco's CCNA are the best bets. A+, which focuses on the fundamentals of computing hardware and software, is usually the most effective to get into the IT field.

IT Trends: Value and Opportunity
It’s impossible to cover all possible growth areas in an industry as wide as IT, but I hope the mentioned IT trends give you the right sense of direction as you move your career ahead. It certainly doesn’t hurt to think from time to time about how IT trends can impact your career. However, and this is a big however, it’s not only about high growth areas, but it’s all about your ability to make sensible and realistic career choices.

Don’t worship growth areas and please avoid the “meal ticket” mind-set. Walk the walk and keep the right perspective: your value, not just your technical expertise, is your power. Enhancing your value keeps you ahead of the crowd. Shun distractions and keep that positive upbeat outlook. Empower yourself, keep focus and you will exceed expectations.

Opportunity is down the hall waiting for you.

All the best in your IT Career

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Making Money online


Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. But a new generation of dot-coms have arisen that will pay you for what you know and who you know without you having to be a web designer or a marketing genius.But it's hard to tell hype from the real deal. I did a search on "make money online" and "making money online", and much of the information out there is just promoting various infoproducts, mostly about Internet marketing. I see why people sometimes ask, "Is anyone making money online besides Internet marketing experts?"

So I put together a list of business opportunities with legitimate companies that:
* Pay cash, not just points towards rewards or a chance to win money
* Don't require you to have your own Web domain or your own products
* Don't involve any hard-selling
* Aren't just promoting more Internet marketing
* Give a good return on your time investment

In the interest of objectivity, none of the links below are affiliate links, and none of them have paid or provided any other consideration for their presence here. These are legitimate companies with business models that allow you to get paid for a wide range of activities.

Connect suppliers with buyers.
Referral fees are a common practice in business, but they haven't been used much in online networking sites because there was no way to track them. Sites like Salesconx, InnerSell and uRefer now provide that. Vendors set the referral fees they're willing to pay (and for what), and when the transaction happens, you get paid. uRefer also allows merchants to set up referral programs for introductions and meetings, as well as transactions.Write.A growing number of sites will pay for your articles or blog posts. Associated Content and Helium will "pay for performance" based on page views for just about anything you want to write about. Articles on specific topics they're looking for can earn direct payments up to about $200. The rates are probably low for established writers, but if you're trying to break into the field and have time on your hands, they're a great way to start. Also, a lot of companies are looking for part-time bloggers. They may pay per post or on a steady contract. Our Weblogs Guide posts blogging jobs weekly in the forum.

Start your own blog.
You don't have to have your own Web site, or install blogging software, or even figure out how to set up the advertising. At Blogger you can set up a blog for free in less than five minutes without knowing a thing about web design, and Blogger even automates setting up Google AdSense so you can make money off your blog by displaying ads and getting paid when people click on the ads. To make even more money from it, set up an affiliate program (see below) for books, music, etc., and insert your affiliate links whenever you refer to those items. You'll have to get a lot of traffic to become a six-figure blogger, but pick an interesting topic, write well, tell all your friends, and you're off to a good start.
Create topical resource hubs.
Are you an expert on a particular niche topic? Can you put together an overview of the topic and assemble some of the best resources on the topic from around the web? Then you can create topical hubs and get paid through sites like Squidoo, HugPages and Google Knol. Payments are based on a combination of ad revenue and affiliate fees. You'll get higher rates doing it on your own, but these sites have a built-in supply of traffic and tools to make content creation easier.

Advertise other people's products.
If you already have a Web site or a blog, look for vendors that offer related but non-competing products and see if they have an affiliate program. Stick to familiar products and brands - they're easier to sell. To promote those products:

* Place simple text or graphical ads in appropriate places on your site
* Include links to purchase products you review or recommend in a blog, discussion forum or mailing list you control
* Create a dedicated sales page or Web site to promote a particular product

They all work - it just depends on how much time you have to spend on it and your level of expertise with Web design and marketing.

The above list is by no means comprehensive, but it highlights some of the new and interesting ways to make money online without investing any money, without having a product of your own, and without having expert sales and marketing skills. Most of all, unlike taking surveys or getting paid to read e-mail, the potential return on your time investment is substantial.


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Use your website/blog to promote Affiliate program


I have been browsing around several good merchant sites and am surprise that many dont show a link or have a page dedicated to their affiliate program. Further research would later reveal that these merchant sites do in fact have their own affiliate program running on a third party affiliate tracking companies. In these occasions, I am wondering if this omission is doing them any good.
I am pretty sure that many affiliates do the same thing when visiting a good prospective onilne merchant. If these affiliates would not see any affiliate program link on your site most probably they will go to the next merchant on your category which is your competitor. This is certainly a business oppotunity loss for the merchant.
As a merchant, your web site is the best vehicle to recruit for as well as steer your affiliate program. If you are running your campaign in a network, your program marketing information is pretty standard as with thousands of other program there. Admittedly, its really hard to get the attention of the affiliates. On the other hand, your website is your own turf and you have the freedom to provide all the details and highlight the points that you think can drive your publishers to promote your products. You can place the creative you want and make it more attractive as can be. You can also compare your program with your competitors stressing your strong points. Furthermore, not having this information also shows the lack of support you are giving to this campaign.
The most compelling reason I could think for merchants to implement this is that this marketing channel is FREE.

-implement today click here to read more.....

Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0


This e-mail is sent by Desperate house wife to Technical support for solving problem arise during upgrading Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0.
Dear Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as NFL 5.0 and NBA 3.0 and now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I’ve tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems but to no avail. What can I do?
- Desperate
Dear Desperate:
First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try to enter the command: C:/I THOUGHT! YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.If all works as designed; Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0, or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create Snoring Loudly. WAV files. Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program.

These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 7.7.

Good Luck,
Tech! Support

Source: Internet
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A mathematician's love letter


De-Morgan's Law,
Binomial Avenue,
United States of Matrices.

My Dear Love,

Yesterday, I was passing by your rectangular house in trigonometric lane. There I saw your cute circular face,conical nose and spherical eyes,standing in your triangular garden.

Before seeing you my heart was a null set, but when a vector of magnitude (likeness) from your eyes at a deviation of theta radians made a tangent to my heart, it differentiated.
My love for you is a quadratic equation with real roots, which only you can solve by making good binary relation with me.

The cosine of my love for you extends to infinity. I promise that I should not resolve you into partial functions but if I do so, you can integrate me by applying the limits from zero to infinity. You are as essential to me as an element to a set. The geometry of my life revolves around your acute personality. My love, if you do not meet me at parabola restaurant on date 10 at sunset, when the sun is making an angle of 160 degrees, my heart would be like a solved polynomial of degree 10. With love from your higher order derivatives of maxima and minima, of an unknown function.

Yours ever

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Certification Evolution:Job role certification for your future


The certification industry has evolved dramatically over the years. From vendor-driven programs designed to ensure a large and ready supply of trained and prepared technicians to support their products and services, certifications have rapidly shifted to industry- and customer-driven programs designed to solve large gaps in the ability to provide services across a number of technologies, disciplines and vendors.
As is the case with most forms of professional accreditation in other fields, in order for certifications to grow and gain the level of acceptance we’d all like to see, broadly accepted industry standards of knowledge, skill and performance must be easily portable from job to job, industry to industry, based on the ability to support a job role or job function.
In the Beginning
The fundamental driver behind the creation of a job-role certification is a perceived unmet need, which goes beyond a given technology or vendor to cause general disruption in the industry. Such was the case more than 20 years ago when I first entered the IT industry, first as a help-desk analyst, then as a hardware and software technician. As anyone in the industry could see, there was an incredibly broad array of different people out there who called themselves computer technicians (or in the now-quaint term, PC professionals). People looking to hire individuals or companies to provide even basic computer-support services were in a quandary—how do I know that the people I’m hiring have basic computer-support skills? Other than calling references (and hopefully I’m not getting their bar buddy, neighbor or cousin), how do I have an independent validation that this person has a certain level of basic skills?
Ultimately, the different leading companies in our industry at the time, including such notables as Novell, Microsoft, Compaq and others, came together with industry association CompTIA to form the first vendor-independent job-role certification, A+. Still one of the most successful certification programs in the industry after almost 15 years, A+ solved the most fundamental certification requirement of all. What’s the baseline? How does one establish basic proficiency in PC hardware and operating systems? Not surprisingly, given the combination of strong market demand and broad support from the vendor community, A+ has grown to be an enormous success around the globe. In fact, the best measure of the growing maturity of a country’s IT infrastructure and service capabilities is still the growth rate of their A+-certified professionals.
Beyond A+: Building New BaselinesOnce
A+ had become clearly established as the industry baseline, we certainly couldn’t stop there and declare victory. Ours is an extremely broad and diverse industry, with dozens of different job functions that come together to form baskets of IT services. This includes an enormous array of different vendor-independent and job-role certifications.
CompTIA, faced with the almost impossible task of following up A+ (imagine Michael Jackson following up the "Thriller" album, which sold 40-million-plus copies), chose the burgeoning field of PC networking for its next certification program, the widely respected Network+. Again, the industry lacked a good core set of skills for people who would be responsible for installing and configuring PC network hardware and configuring systems to use the now-ubiquitous TCP/IP client to support access to this new-at-the-time thing called the World Wide Web. Network+ came to the rescue, providing core skills to ensure that a new networking technician understood the core concepts of PC networking and could not only set up a PC (a la A+), but set up network connectivity for it as well. As PC use shifted from predominantly local toolkits (productivity applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint) to network-based applications (like e-mail and the Web), this was a mission-critical need and one that Network+ still meets today. To people thinking of entering the industry for the first time, A+ and Network+ are still the baseline certifications I recommend to create a broad proficiency in computers and networking.

The Great Divide
Once we pass the core PC certifications of A+ and Network+, certification families split widely according to the IT jobs and job functions they support. This includes certifications for Web designers and developers, application developers, security professionals, storage professionals, project managers and business analysts.
Web Design and Development
The CIW certification covers job roles in network administration, security, application development, programming, Web site design and e-commerce. It’s best known as the vendor-independent certification of choice for Web designers and developers. Their menu of certification options includes:

  • CIW Associate - basic knowledge of Internet technologies, Web authoring with XHTML, project management as well as network infrastructure and troubleshooting.
  • CIW Professional - skills related to a particular discipline such as Web site design, security, server administration, application development or database management.

  • Master CIW Designer - cutting-edge design concepts and tools, industry-standard design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash, site maintenance, authoring and scripting languages, content and digital media creation, and B2B and B2C e-commerce Web site standards.

  • Master CIW Administrator - identification of network architecture, infrastructure and server administration, network administration and network security implementation.
  • Master CIW Web Site Manager - basic networking, Web site design techniques, Web authoring and scripting languages and server administration.

  • Master CIW Enterprise Developer - Web-enabled enterprise application development, e-business solution implementation, database management, distributed object computing, scripting and programming languages and language theory.

  • CIW Security Analyst - protecting an organization’s assets and operations.

  • CIW Web Developer - assembly and maintenance of Java-based Web applications.

Application Development
Given how this segment of the industry has developed, the .NET vs. Java/J2EE wars have not left a whole lot of room for vendor-independent certifications. J2EE certifications are offered by Sun, IBM, BEA, Oracle and others, while Microsoft certifies .NET developers.
Where we will likely see the emergence of vendor-independent job-role certifications is in the function of enterprise-application architects. As we move to a development environment defined by the application flexibility of Web services and component-assembled applications, having people with a broad array of skills to help architect these types of hybrid applications will be essential. Most of the key players on the J2EE side and Microsoft on the .NET side have a vendor-focused certification in this area. For the good of the industry, they should set these aside and come together to produce a Web Services Architect certification that would allow us to credentialize these critical people properly.
The security-certification space has grown dramatically in the past few years, and with the U.S. government’s widespread backing of security certification for Department of Defense personnel, we can expect even more dramatic growth over the next four years. Although some demand will exist for baseline-level security certifications such as CompTIA’s Security+, the larger growth will be in the higher-end certifications for career security professionals, especially ISC2 CISSP and CISA, and the SANS Institute’s GIAC certifications. There also will be specialized demand for security certification in a number of sub-areas, such as wireless networking, where certifications such as the Planet3Wireless CWSP will add value, and ethical hacking, which will have a small but diligent constituency. For best impact, combine one of the senior security certifications such as CISSP with certification in a key security technology family such as Cisco, CheckPoint or Microsoft, and you’ll likely have success.
Once the red-headed stepchild of the IT industry, storage has become a central issue in most large organizations and a key specialization. The emergence of storage networking, in both SAN and NAS, has created a role for people who can specialize in setting, managing, protecting and supporting storage infrastructure. With the vast growth rates of data-storage needs and the proliferation of rich-media solutions, this need will only grow.
To support the growth of storage-area networks supporting fibre channel, the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) provides a core SAN certification called Storage Networking Certified Professional (SNCP). Recent advances have broken this out into three job-role functions, including foundational skills, practitioner and specialist. These programs will continue to evolve and will likely have the most impact when combined with key
vendor programs from storage leaders such as EMC, Network Appliance and Brocade.
Project Management
Long before IT got religion about project management, the broader industry saw the need to pull together the vast array of methods, tools, processes and terminology project managers use to ensure communications would be sustained and projects would actually be completed. Although IT professionals should consider looking at foundation project-management certifications such as CompTIA’s IT Project+, the certification family with the most impact in the industry has to be the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. PMP is widely considered the gold standard for project managers and is often required to be considered for many project-management job roles. This certification has an explicit experience requirement, so for those of you still working up to that, passing PMI’s Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is certainly a way to show that you’re an up-and-comer. As IT becomes more and more an industry of managing many collective projects and groups, some internal to your organization and perhaps others external, having this skill set is essential for every IT professional who wants a long career. Technologies will come and go, but the ability to manage people, resources and money to create impact for a business will always stand the test of time.
Business Analysis
The fastest growing job-role in IT today is a senior role called the business analyst. These professionals work with various business units to assess areas of greatest business need for IT services. They determine the relative financial benefits that can accrue to the organization for different types of projects, and they recommend the projects that will create the most positive impact for the business. Business analysts work with business-unit leaders to capture requirements for services (whether the services are software, access or other capabilities that will enable organizations to be more competitive), and then they work with IT organizations and project leaders to translate business requirements into technical requirements. Ultimately, business analysts are responsible for making sure the right projects get the investment, people and resources needed to deliver results for an organization, and typically they are compensated based on delivering the promised results.
Although there are a few small organizations providing business-analyst certification, the forthcoming International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) certification appears to be the one to watch because it is being built from a comprehensive and industry-backed Body of Knowledge (BoK), similar to the process that formed PMI’s PMP. Make this the year to get training in business analysis to get ahead of the curve on this important area, and make sure your provider will support the IIBA certification when it comes out.
The U.S. IT industry prides itself on innovation, but at times it forgets to institute good processes to support the delivery of services with quality and consistency. Starting in the early 1990s, the United Kingdom invested in the creation of best-practices guidelines for providing a number of different types of IT services. The result of its efforts was the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITIL offers the ability to provide high-quality, consistent processes and outcomes for various types of IT services, such as application management, security management, service-desk provision and many other functions.
The three levels of ITIL certification—foundations, practitioner and service manager—have been worldwide standards for IT service management for a number of years, but the United States is only now beginning to catch up. In the near future, virtually all IT organizations will need to demonstrate their support for these types of service standards in order to win (or keep) business, in much the same way PC technicians in the beginning needed to get A+ to show a credential, even if their skills were more advanced. Find out if your organization is planning to adopt ITIL, and get on board quickly to start your preparation. If you are an independent consultant or IT services firm, it’s even more important to get on this right away or risk missing out on key requirements in future RFPs.
Work with training centers that use accredited providers, and ask about the qualifications of your instructor. Training for these services can be a bit immature, so make sure your instructor has many years of experience consulting and teaching ITIL.
Where We’re Headed
In many ways, the certification market is at last heading toward the maturity we’re seeking, which will raise the impact and value of certification. If you look at other areas of accreditation, they focus on key enabling services that provide value to an organization. For example, think of accreditation programs for universities, bar associations for attorneys, CPAs and many other credentialing bodies. They focus on delivering a whole service that adds value, regardless of the tools, vendors or technologies that underlie their work. Likewise, IT is moving steadily away from notions of "vendor" certifications or "vendor-independent" certifications to certifications that focus on customer impacts and key IT service-delivery capabilities that align more precisely to the job functions organizations need to fill. It will continue to force IT professionals to bring skills that will directly add value to the business. This shift will unquestionably be a hybrid of what we used to call "hard and soft skills," but now are more reliably called technical and business-management skills. With the added complexity and responsibility of this work also will come more authority and better compensation. It’s a brave new world, but embrace it because it will create many new opportunities for you.
June 2008 - Patrick von Schlag

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Wish you all happy New year 2066


Buddha says, "In the end, only 3 things matter... how much we loved, how gently we lived and how gracefully we let go of the things not meant for us. "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2066 B.S FRIENDS...."

To all those around the world who share common Nepali cultural and linguistic traditions, my wishes for a Happy New Year 2066. I hope that in this New Year, Nepal will continue on the path to peace and prosperity.
As you welcome the New Year, I salute the spirit of tolerance and shared heritage that brings Nepalese together regardless of their differences on this day to celebrate and exchange good wishes.
All New Year celebrations reflect the hope of new beginnings. As the world faces the greatest economic challenges in generations, we all must stand together to embrace the New Year's promise of rebirth and renewal.

Naya Barshako Suba-Kamana!

-Each moment in a day has its own value. Morning brings HOPE, afternoon bringsFAITH, Evening brings LOVE, Night brings REST, Hope you will all of themeveryday. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2066.

-For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.Happy New Year---

-Before the golden sun sets, 2065's calender is destroyed, And mobile networks get jammed, I wish in 2066 every moment is enjoyed---

-Keep the smile, leave the tear, Think of joy, forget the fear... Hold the laugh, leave the pain, Be joyous , Coz its new year!HAPPY NEW YEAR

-Memorable moment r celebrate together,U r my best friend for now & forever,Make me Miss U even more this New Year,Hope this 2066 bring Happiness for you Dear.

-Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don't need to carry...GRUDGES SADNESS PAIN FEAR and REGRETS.Life is beautiful,Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR

-Hope The New Year brings a lot of good cheer for you, May all Your Dreams Will be True, Hope the year also bring Gigabyte of Fun, Happy New Near and good luck with your Resolution

-enjoy 2066

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Yahoo's homepage new looks


Yahoo's release a preview to its new homepage on its australian site today. The new look is simply named Yahoo!7.
The new layout offers little more than some minor personalization tweaks such as a Your Stuff box on the lower right hand column with shortcuts to various services like flickr and Answers.

Further down, the 'In Your Area' column automatically detects your location and lists restaurant and entertainment options to you. Curiously, it didn't work for us, and the column displayed its native Australian listings. Hopefully, it's just a beta hitch.

With recent developments in the company, this slight update may be a case of too little too late, and far from anything remotely revolutionary.Yahoo will have to do more if they want to stop stock prices from tumbling further, or to be worth anything at all in the future.

-enjoy reading

Grand theft auto 4-a boring gameplay
Rockstar's GTA IV is being hailed as one of the best games of our times with it's uber realism, ridiculously open ended gameplay, rich characterization, immersive roleplaying experience.
Just only on day one, there were 1 million GTA IV users who went online with the game on XBOX Live. It dethroned Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4.
Ofcourse, some of the elements of the game (not the only elements) includes doing drugs, drunk driving, visiting strip clubs and a whole list of felonies. If you want, you can just explore the game's virtual world, earn a living driving cabs, go on a clean date, visit places and stuff, watch tv and just have alot of 'clean' experiences.
Ofcourse, that's not what the game is about. It's roleplaying a character with a rich history, lot's of demons in the closet and doing stuff you never get to do in real life.
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Internet banking


At this blog I will be writing about the online banking systems in Nepal and the features available with different banks across Nepal. If you look into the modern age of banking, online banks or net banking made things much easier for the people and saves lot of time. The traditional way of standing in the queue and filling up all the forms, now its no hassle for making any transaction with the banks. Every bank has their own features and some banks still not having the more advanced features like transferring money to any banks across Nepal, easy registration for net banking, etc.
Advantage of Internet Banking Facility
Advantages previously held by large financial institutions have shrunk considerably. The Internet has leveled the playing field and afforded open access to customers in the global marketplace. Internet banking is a cost-effective delivery channel for financial institutions. Consumers are embracing the many benefits of Internet banking. Access to one’s accounts at anytime and from any location via the World Wide Web is a convenience unknown a short time ago. Thus, a bank’s Internet presence transforms from ‘brouchreware’ status to ‘Internet banking’ status once the bank goes through a technology integration effort to enable the customer to access information about his or her specific account relationship. The six primary drivers of Internet banking includes, in order of primacy are:
-Improve customer access
-Facilitate the offering of more services
-Increase customer loyalty
-Attract new customers
-Provide services offered by competitors
-Reduce customer attrition
Banks with Internet Banking
In the current scenario, every bank in Nepal has the internet banking facility. Recently the banks are extending their presence in rural areas to lure more customers and show them the advantages of internet making by educating into the new system. This gives the countries entire population to get the benefit of technology advancement. As I said, still it is evolving and not all the banks provide very advanced features. In our article I will take few leading banks and explain the features they are offering. Note that, the online banking can be for managing your Savings Accounts, Credit Cards, Fixed Deposit, Insurance, etc. The following are the list of banks and their online website address.

Standard Chartered
Siddhartha bank limited
Nepal SBI bank
Nepal Industrial & Commercial bank
Everest bank
Nepal Bank
Bank of Kathmandu
Nabil bank
Himalayan Bank Ltd
Machha Puchchhre bank
Laxmi Bank
Kumari Bank
Lumbini bank
Nepal credit & commerce bank
Nepal merchant bank & finance ltd.
Development credit bank
Sanima Bikas Bank Limited
Nepal Investment Bank
Nepal Bangladesh Bank
This article presents only the basic idea on internet banking in Nepal. Also the leading internet banking portals mostly used by the customers. When it comes to the internet banking, internet security on net banking is the challenging problem to be faced by all the major portals. Every customer must aware of the security issues and protect their details from the hackers. In my next article I will be writing about the security issues which normally cheat customers and steal the personal details. Thank you for reading this article. Please post your feedback on the comments section.
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World's Top 10 IT junction


Recently, Australian Tech Magazine 'PC Authority' covered following cities as the world's TOP 10 IT junction. Check it Out
1. Silicon Valley

Undoubtedly, San Jose, Sunny vale and San Mateo County is considered 'Silicon Valley' because all the major league of IT companies are headquartered in these areas. You name it, it's all here. HP, Sun, Oracle, Apple, Cisco, Google, Yahoo, Intel, McAfee, Symantec, AMD, eBay are few to name. Not only that, Silicon Valley has the long history for the development of IT industry.
2. Taiwan
I used to think, Taiwan is the only place where Computer RAM are fabricated and produced. Eventually, I was proved wrong but the truth is they've grasped the huge market in RAM manufacturing. Taiwan is established in the areas of consumer technology, enterprise technology and semiconductors and produces around 80% of the world's laptops and a significant proportion of other computer components. Among the big names calling Taiwan home are Asus and Acer and semiconductor firm TSMC. No other country or region in the world is as dependent on the IT industry for its economic well-being as Taiwan. Last week, the government of Taiwan even stepped in to prop up the country's ailing DRAM memory chip businesses.
3. Bangalore
This Indian Destination has come a long way from merely becoming cyber-coolie. It has now it's own technology to be proud of. Just like they've hollywood version of so called film industry known as bollywood, bangalore has become 'Silicon Valley' of India. I read once that one IT aware minister played a big role to make this place an IT destination. The Silicon Valley of India accounts for more than a third of all IT jobs in the country. It has also spawned local start-ups that are now so successful that they are buying up the IT infrastructure of bankrupted Western companies. The IT industries here employ millions directly and indirectly and has helped the Indian economy by bringing in billions in revenue.
4. Japan
Well, Japan is Japan. Westerners are still awestruck by their latest technology when they visit Japan. Japan leads the world in robotics, green technology, intelligent software, consumer electronics and is also advanced in areas like gaming consoles and smartphones. Most of the gadgets are not being exported may be because the Japanese manufacturers are convinced that western countries are so far behind the times that they wouldn't even know what to do with these things.
5. San Francisco
This is a beautiful city and I really like San Francisco so much, I can't express it in words. Most probably, the most wired city in America and the home to companies such as Salesforce and Craigslist, Twitter and small services/startup businesses. If you remember DOT COM boom, you can still see the remnants right here.
6. Zhongguancun, China
This "Beijing High-Technology Industry Development Experimental Zone" is the hub of China's IT industry and is built around 7 technology hubs and is home to companies like Lenovo and Baidu as well as Western imports. Microsoft is building its Chinese headquarters here.
7. Finland
Home to Linux, Nokia, Software security vendor F-Secure. Finland has proven a generator of IT innovation that far outweighs its population or size. Part of this is due to the fact that education is largely free there, leading to a highly skilled and technical population.
8. Fort Meade, Maryland
Maryland gets this spot on the list because of the presence of US National Security Agency (NSA) here.
9. Romania
Plenty of programming talent exist in this country with savvy programmers seasoned in writing and working with large, complex programs. Romania has built up a reputation as a hotspot for malware writers and other online criminals as well as some very smart security researchers. Romanian developers have often taken the forefront in such things as heuristics and vulnerability detection. Microsoft even acquired an Romanian antivirus company GeCAD in 2003.
10. Boston
The Cambridge area has educated and inspired some of the finest minds in IT, including the founders of Intel,Microsoft, Texas Instruments, 3Com and Qualcomm. Harvard and MIT are both at the pinnacle of educational excellence which shows in the alumini.
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Tips on how to design a fast loading website


Tips and tricks on effective web design
The Number 1 rule that every web designer should follow is to create a fast loading web site. You might have a great design but very few people are going to see it if it takes a long time to load. While designing a web site always think about how long it will take to load. Try out our tips to build a great looking web site that also loads fast.
· Minimize the use of images - The key to a fast loading web site is to minimize the use of images. Images do enhance a page but don't make 80% of your web site only images. Instead break it down as much as possible to simple HTML. Notice the popular sites like Yahoo, Google, Ebay, Amazon etc., they have very few images because the load time is more important. Very often simple designs are the best.
· Optimize images for the web - Once you have decided on the images that you need on your site, make sure that it is optimized for the web. They should be in the gif or jpeg format. You can also minimize the size of the image by choosing the number of colors you need, from the color palette. The less the colors you choose, the less the size of the image. You can also use online tools like Gif Wizard to optimize your images or to get a recommendation on how to cut down the size of an image.
· Use Tables creatively - You can get some great looking designs by using tables creatively . Tables load very fast because it is just HTML code. Tables can be used in the homepage, menus or anywhere you like. Check out our homepage and our menus to see how we have used tables in our site. Cut down the use of animated gifs - Don't use animated gifs unless it is necessary. Animated gifs take a long time to load and can also be very irritating. But since they catch your attention you could use small animated gifs to draw a visitor's attention to a particular section of your site.
· Design simple icons - Instead of using big, bulky images use simple and small icons that add a little color and draw the attention of a visitor.
· Use background images instead of big images whenever possible - Use background images whenever possible. This is usually a very useful tip for headers and footers. Instead of using an image of width 580 which is a uniform design you can use just a part of that as a background fill. This reduces the size of the web page as the image is small. The code will look like this :
· Try out CSS Styles - Have fun with CSS styles to get some cool text effects. Again, a CSS Style is simple HTML code so it loads very fast. You can create cool rollovers using CSS Styles. Rollover the text on the right menu to see how we have used CSS Styles to get a simple but nice text effect.Use Flash sparingly - There seems to be a lot of hype about Flash but I recommend that you minimize the use of Flash on a site. Don't make entire sites using Flash. It may look great but it takes hours to load and can really put off visitors. If you do want to use Flash use it within an HTML site and make sure it loads fast.
· Design most of your site in HTML - As much as possible try to design your site using HTML. You can create great designs by just using HTML code. Use tables, CSS Styles and simple fonts to design your site. Minimize the use of animated gifs, Flash, bulky images etc.
· Keep checking your load time - Last but not least, before you decide on the final design of your web site, check its load time on
NetMechanic. This site gives you a free analysis of your web site which is extremely useful. We kept using it to improve our site till we got a report that said good loading time!

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